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Configuration Template - Services

I'm having issues with configuration templates. I have created a new template which I have added several windows services which are not in to auto monitor list, then associated with a Montior Group.  When I either add a new or move an existing monitor into this group its not picking up the services I set in the configuration template.

From the Configuration Template page if I select Bulk Associate to multiple monitors I can select my monitors and it applies successfully.

Should anything added to a group pickup the config template?





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Sorry to hear this did not work rightly. As a workaround, you can set the configuration template that you want to be associated with the new monitors, as default. Read our help documentation to know how to do this.

An alternative way would be to define the required configuration template against the parameter "CT/ct" while adding a new monitor using command line installation. This way, the services added to the template would automatically be associated to the new monitor added.

Hope this helps. If the issue persists or for more clarification on this, please write to our support team ([email protected]) for further assistance.



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Thanks for the reply, I also tried to add the GN parameter so that a new monitor joined the correct group to pick up the assigned configuration template but this also failed.


Should this be working? Should you be able to move monitors between groups to pickup new configuration templates assigned to those groups?

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Using the GN parameter in command line, the new monitor will only be associated to a particular monitor group. These configuration templates are independent of monitor groups. They can only be directly associated to monitors. 

And to answer the question, "Should you be able to move monitors between groups to pickup new configuration templates assigned to those groups?", we do not support this for now. Will update this thread once we get this live.

Hope this helps.


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