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Server Report

I would like to have a report of Server + Site24x7 Agent version installed + CPU+Mem+Disk Specifications

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Thanks for bringing this up. We have added this in our road map and shall update here once this is live.


Happy Monitoring!

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Check out our Agent Inventory Report that lists all the servers monitored in your account based on their agent version, IP address, OS type, associated threshold profiles, and configuration templates.

Let us know your feedback or queries, if any.


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Hi , 


I am unable to see "Agent Inventory Report in Site24x7" please help me to set the same .



Kunal Kumar

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Please try accessing the URL www.site24x7.com/app/client#/reports/SERVER/agent-inventory-report to view the Agent Inventory Report.

In case you are still facing an issue, please write to [email protected].



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