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What's New in APM Insight

At Site24x7 APM Insight, the core focus has always been targeted towards making monitoring easy for end users. With that prespective, we have rolled out a few enhancements this month:

Enhancements in Trace view :

  In general, methods that are being called during a particular transaction in the same sequence are listed in Trace view. You can now view  timeline components  of individual traces (Gantt chart) with options to filter, sort and search for ease of access. You can filter a particular trace with respective to its components involved for better visibility. This helps you in identifying the root cause of a potential problem. 



Filter database calls by db operations:

One can now see individual database calls  by filtering various database commands like SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and  DELETE



View error transactions separately in Web transactions:

  We have now segregated web transactions with errors as a separate view. Now you need not datamine your web transactions to spot the black sheep. Isn't this cool? 



Bulk action wizard in APM Insight:

You can now manage,  unmanage and delete APM Insight application and instances in bulk. 




Support for Sinatra framework:

From Ruby agent version 1.5, users can monitor their sinatra applications. For more information regarding the same, kindly refer our help document.

So what are you waiting for? Check out our new enhancements and let us know what you feel. In case of any questions, feel free to contact our technical support ([email protected]).


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